
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back to the real Left Coast

So, not much to report from the rest of my time at Left Coast Crime. Sold a few books, not many but that's fine. Met some great new people and once again was welcomed graciously by some old friends who didn't mind me clinging on to them the whole weekend (Thanks Rebecca!)
Sadly none of my friends won any awards but I was glad to see so many nominated.

My panel on Sunday went well. Nice to hang out with Kelli Stanley again and I was dismayed and angered to hear that she arrived home to discover she'd been robbed. They took all her jewelry and some other stuff. There are some cretinous scum in the world. Hope they get what's coming to them.

My pal Rachel Brady wins the outstanding moderator of the weekend award. Her panel was lively, fast-paced and fun. More moderators should take tips from Rachel, who is a sunny personality anyway.

Back home and back to the grind of trying to find a bookstore that will have me and the books for a signing, or even just to carry them in the store! This has proven much harder than I expected. The kind folks at The Mystery Bookstore spoiled me. I still really hate that no one will even write me back. Give me a "No, thanks" or even a simple "No" but reply at least! Those books I sent cost me money. Ah, the struggles of the indie author.

I started the research phase of putting up and ebook novella. I know nothing about formatting and all that jazz so this will take a while. I do love designing covers though so that will be fun. Must finish the revision on the new novel and then go over the novella again and send it out to some fresh eyes for editing. Have to put the best foot forward don't ya know.

Some books this summer that I'm really excited about. I'm making headway on the old TBR pile to get ready.

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