
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fightcard sale!

Since it is Boxing Day, we're discounted all the Fightcard titles to only .99 until Jan 1. Now is your chance to get Split Decision, A Mouth Full of Blood and the rest of the Fightcard action for cheap.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Time For Giving

I'll get to the main course, but first an appetizer. My new story, A Job For Two, is live now at All Due Respect so go check that out if you want a short read. The ADR guys have an anthology coming out early next year that I just did the cover for, so be on the lookout for that one. Sure to be some great stories in there.

Now then, on to the spirit of the season. I'm in a giving mood. Not sure why since I just bought a car load of stuff for my kids, but I have a few more stockings to stuff if you want to take me up on it. Here's my offer: for anyone who buys a copy of The Devil Doesn't Want Me between now and Christmas, I'll give you a digital copy of Dig Two Graves or my story collection A Bouquet Of Bullets for free. Just message me proof of purchase and your email address and I'll send one your way right away. 

Before you think I'm just too generous for words, keep in mind both books are only .99 for the rest of December. So, I like you, but only so much.

What's that? You just bought one but missed out on the deal? Fine, you can hit me up retroactively. Yep, I really am that generous. I also know I don't get a ton of hits over here so I doubt you all will break my bank account. And remember, you can give The Devil Doesn't Want Me as a gift too and I'll give you one of the other books or I'll gift it right along with Devil to the special person you apparently want to send a veiled threat of bodily harm to. Hey, I'm not judging.

So go for it. Two books for one. And Devil is still only 3.99, so, y'know. Quite a bargain there. And Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dead End Winner

I was thrilled to learn today my novella Dig Two Graves was voted Best Novella for 2012 over at Dead End Follies, the online home of Benoit Lelievre, writer and blogger extraordinaire. 

So happy my gritty little book is still going. And remember, it's only .99 for the rest of the month along with all other Snubnose releases!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Next Big Thing

I was recently tagged by Holly West for this Next Big Thing that has been going around. I've read some really interesting answers to these simple questions. Here are mine. I fear it may die out with me, but even if they haven't done up one of these questionnaires, here are a few writers you should know. They are truly the Next Big Things!
Frank Zafiro, Jake Hinkson, Tom Pitts, Greg Bardsley, Stephen Blackmoore. And yeah, about a hundred others. We are truly in a crime writing Renaissance. 

1) What is the working title of your next book?

I never know what will be out next. That’s up to the publishers to see what they want to put out. The most recently completed novel of mine is called The Year I Died Seven Times.

2) Where did the idea come from?

Somewhere I came up with that title and I wrote a book around it. Not really the “right” way to do it, but it worked out well.

3) What genre does your book fall under?

Crime, probably on the hardboiled end of the spectrum. It’s about a missing girl, but it’s not a detective or a who-done-it. More mayhem and really sad attempts to find the girl. If you’re like me, parts of it will be kinda funny too. 

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

The girl who goes missing could be played by that girl from Gilmore Girls who played Rory’s best friend. Though on the show she was Korean and the girl in my book is Japanese. So maybe find a big star in Japan who people here don’t know.

The lead is a late 20’s male. Kind of a slacker. I can’t think of anyone A list, but I’d love to cast Jack Huston, the guy who plays Robert on Boardwalk Empire. That guy can be in any adaptation of any of my books, any time.

5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Ridley snaps out of his slacker-ish ways when he meets Miho, a beautiful Japanese girl, but when she vanishes one night he sets out to find what happened to her not knowing he’ll be dealing with vicious gangsters, drug dealers, former FBI agents, angry roommates, gang bangers and surly doormen and not realizing that by the end of his search he’ll have ended up clinically dead seven times. 

6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I have no plans to self publish at the moment. It is out to a publisher right now who is considering it. 

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft?

A short amount of time spaced out over a longer period. I started it early in 2012, then set it aside to get to some other, more pressing projects. When I came back to it, it finished up quickly. So about six weeks total with a nine month break in between. The actual writing time was fast, even for me, and I'm pretty quick. I was motivated. 

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Hopefully nothing, but I’m always trying in my own way to rip off guys like Duane Swierczynski and Victor Gischler.  

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

There is rarely any real inspiration for my books. I just think of something and if it sticks with me I write it. I tend not to write ideas down and that way if they are still rattling around in my head weeks after I haven’t made an effort to retain the idea, I know it’s a good one because it stuck with me.

10) What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?

Um, did I mention the guy dies seven times? It was an interesting experiment to see if I could keep up the tension when the reader basically knows how each chapter/section is going to end. I think I pulled it off, but this story had a long gestation while I figured out how to do it. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Writers With Day Jobs - Josh Stevens

To say Josh Stevens debut novel, Bullets Are My Business is my kind of book is understating it. I got a chance to read it ahead of yesterday's release and here is my blurb for the book:
"Grade A neo-pulp. All the style and action of a vintage paperback shot through with all the violence and sex of today. Moves as fast as a bullet from a .38 and hits just as hard."

It's a great book if you like Christa Faust, Victor Gischler or Allan Guthrie and you're a fan of old school pulp writers like Day Keene, William Ard or Dan J. Marlowe.

And now he's here to tell us about his day job as one of the elite few, those unsung heroes, the shining stars in a writers life – a bookseller. So read about Josh below and then do yourself a favor and go grab a copy of Bullets Are My Business, the latest Dutton Guilt Edged mystery ebook. It's cheap!

Tell us what you do and how it is like or unlike a novel?

I manage a big box bookstore.  I wouldn't say my job is like a novel, per se, but being surrounded by works of literary fiction definitely helps.

Since you work around books all day as a job, do you ever get burned out and don't want to tackle fiction writing on your off time?

Absolutely.  There are definitely moments when my brain just wants to go on a hiatus for a while.  Aside from just being surrounded by the written word and constantly trying to keep up with literature (and, I won't lie, popcorn books), I also have a two year old.  There are a lot of moments in which I just can't find the time nor the motivation to park myself behind the computer.  That having been said, once I am able to find myself in my office, working on writing, I also find myself unable to pull myself away from the keyboard.  When I have a story that is snowballing and everything seems to be falling into place, I'll make sure that I spend at least an hour in front of the computer.  Usually that hour turns into two or three hours and, since I do it when the wife and kid are asleep, I often find myself getting three or four hours of sleep.  

Ah, a man after my own heart. Or at least one who keeps the same schedule. No wonder we write such similar styles. So, how often do you steal work time to write?

These days, rarely ever.  At my old jobs, I would spend endless hours writing.  In fact, a fairly sizable amount of "Bullets are my Business" was rewritten and edited while I was on the clock at two of my previous jobs.  I used to tell people that I was a "paid" writer... I didn't tell them that the payment was actually because I was supposed to be doing other work.

Describe a time when your job influenced a story of yours?

I'm often influenced (as are most writers, I think) by the people I meet and the situations I find myself in.  Since I write mostly noir, I usually have to put a spin on these events that involve someone getting their ass kicked or having a gun pulled on them.  However, several years back, when I was working at an independent bookstore (Read Between the Lynes, in case anyone is interested), I sat down and wrote several episodes of a sitcom based around the crew that I worked with.  The people that I worked with and my close friends loved the episodes so much that we actually filmed the "pilot" episode so that we could submit it to a sitcom pilot competition.  Needless to say, we lost, but the episode is still up on YouTube.

What would it take for you to quit and write full time?

If you asked me that question five years ago, I would have agreed to do so for nothing more than a handshake.  Now that I'm older and wiser, I think I'd have to change my answer.  I'd have to be able to live comfortably.  As much as I'd like to be a millionaire, I think that being able to focus solely on my writing would be absolutely fantastic if I could pay all my bills and have a little left over every month.  I can always save up for that fur sink I've always dreamed of.

Do you think people respect writing as a job, or does it come off as less "work" than a labor or office job?

I think that people don't really have a whole lot of respect for writing as an actual career, unless you've hit the status of James Patterson or Stephen King.  To most people, writing seems to be looked at as more of a hobby than a job.  I remember, many moon ago, when I was a barista at Starbucks and I would, while making small talk with the customers, say something about being a writer, the vast majority of the clientele would answer back, "I'm a writer, too."  At first, I became excited by this response and I actually joined a few writer's circles of people who had told me of their "writing."  This excitement quickly passed when I realized that most of these people were writing to say that they were writers, so that they could surround themselves with actual artists as though they were an accessory.  I decided to stop attending these writer's circles when I was asked about one of my characters (of a book that I eventually scrapped) and I responded, "I see him as a Holden Caufield of the noir genre."  The person told me that they had no idea who that was.  When I explained it was the main character of Catcher in the Rye, they legitimately told me they had never heard of it.  

Be honest, if you wrote full time, do you think you'd be disciplined about it?

I really do.  I wouldn't be disciplined to work the stereotypical 9 to 5 shift, but I could most definitely stay up for eight hours into the wee hours of the morning.  As long as I had a full pack of cigarettes and a mostly full bottle of booze, I'd be set.

What job, other than writing, would you most like to have?

My goal is to open my own indie bookstore.  I really believe that, in order to inspire the younger generations to read (and the older generations to continue reading) and write, we, as a society, have to make sure that we don't let paper and ink bookstores fall by the wayside.  Being a bookseller is a badge of honor and every legitimate bookseller I know wears that badge proudly.  It's up to the booksellers to make sure that great books get in the hands of those who need them.  It's up to the bookseller to keep books alive, to offer reviews and recommendations, to know a customer so well that you can tell what kind of book they're looking for just by asking them how their day was.  The big box booksellers don't really give a damn about the actual books themselves (and I'm making a blanket statement here but, believe me, I know that there are absolutely fantastic booksellers who worked for the big guys, I'm just saying they're few and far between).  They are people that are looking to make a paycheck for companies that, while they started out with the best of intentions, have been mucked up with corporate mindsets and have become more about making money than promoting actual literature.  Sorry... Somebody set a soapbox here...

What has been your best job? Your worst?

Working for an independent bookstore as marketing and events coordinator was, hands down, the best job.  The worst: Overnight shift at a magazine factory.  Brutal.

Has your job, or past jobs, had any influence in inspiring you to become a writer?

Working at the indie bookstore definitely made me want to go out and grab that star.  I was surrounded by literature every day, I was talking to a slew of colorful characters, and, on top of that, I was meeting writers every day.  These writers wound up becoming friends over time and several of them have proved to be the reason I got to where I am today. (I made sure to thank them all in the acknowledgements of "Bullets are my Business" so I won't go into great detail here).  Every day I shelved books or put books into a customers hand, it made me push myself even harder to get my manuscript done so that, one day, another bookseller could push my book into a customers hands.

Is your job harder than writing?

In different capacities, yes and no.  At work, when a table set is done, it's done.  I can back away and look at it and say "every book is accounted for, there's no dead space."  When I put a book into a customer's hand and tell them with enthusiasm that this particular book is one of my personal favorites, I can visibly see that they have been satisfied.  It's much more difficult to do that with the written word.  In early drafts of the novel, I found myself forgetting that people didn't have the backstory to the characters that I had in my head.  Then I had to go back and fine tune and clean the story to make sure that everything flowed.  It was time consuming and mentally taxing, but it also left me feeling completely fulfilled when all was said and done.  Writing is easier, on the other hand, because when a character truly pisses me off, I can gun them down, not feel any remorse, AND get away with it.  

Imagine your job in the plot of an existing book (or movie, I'll give you that much leeway), where does it fit best? Would you be a character in a Jack Reacher novel? A Sam Spade mystery? Matt Scudder? Mike Hammer? What else?

I'd like to say that my job would be a Mickey Spillane novel waiting to happen but, unfortunately, that's just not the case.  My job is too regulated to be a pulp novel.  To sterile to be noir. There's not enough action.  If it was going to be a book, I'd say it would either be a far less gritty version Charles Bukowski's "Post Office" or "Factotum."   Maybe it would be a form of dystopian novel, like "1984" or "Fahrenheit 451."  Either that or it would have to be a non-fiction book written as a giant rant, a la Denis Leary's "Why We Suck" or Lewis Black's "Me of Little Faith."

Do you ever see a time when you are writing full time?

In my fantasy world, yes I do.  I always think that, if I could make enough money to survive comfortably, I would definitely do so.  My wife is, thankfully, very supportive and, in fact, is pushing me to focus on writing.  Unfortunately, she's not willing to work two jobs so I can quit mine.

How would a character with your career be a good or a bad protagonist for a novel?

At my big box store, I think that a character would be a great protagonist.  There's is a great deal of inner turmoil for someone going from an indie store to a big box, so part of the character could feel absolutely torn.  There's also the corporate mentality that the character has to rise above every day, the ridiculous rules and regulations that come with the territory, and the employees who aren't true "book people".  When you couple that with the fact that the store I work in is located in a high traffic, urban area, you have all the workings of a great character waiting to happen.  I'm actually working on using this job as a basis for a current character, although there would be more twists and more guns.

What do you think is the best work experience for a writer to have?

Honestly, I know it sounds like I'm beating a dead horse here, but I have always told my writer friends who are "up-and-coming" that they should absolutely work for an independent bookstore.  I always make sure to clarify "independent" as opposed to just "bookstore."  Many of the independents I've visited are places where the staff and customers become like a family.  They are there to help push you along and they'll be behind you as you move forward.  The indie's allow all of their workers the freedom to flex their creativity and, many times, they're willing to try new things just to see if it works.  If it doesn't, it's a learning experience.  On top of that, you get the chance to meet so many different people who come in and you'll get to know them as well as you know your own best friends.  Finally, as long as it's a store that does signings and events, you'll get to meet writers and, most of the writers that I've had the pleasure of meeting, love talking about writing.  If you keep in touch with them over the years, they are the best asset to have, not only for publication purposes, but also for advice.  I still talk to a great deal of the people I met at my store and, in fact, one of them was beyond helpful in helping me get an agent.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"lost" novels

My newest post is up at Criminal Element. It's all about lost crime novels. I'm working on a post about movie car chases and it is the most fun research I've ever done. It will be epic with lots of links for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Writers With Day Jobs: Ryan Sayles

Ryan Sayles is a writer you should get to know. His novel The Subtle Art Of Brutality, out now from Snubnose Press is a good place to start. In case you want something a little shorter as a get-to-know-ya' you can read my conversation with Ryan below. 
The guy's got some crazy stories of his day job as a campus cop. And he actually managed to keep his typical sense of sarcasm in check to answer honestly and in depth. For the other, snarkier side of Sayles, see any of his interviews over at  Out Of The Gutter (including one he did with me!)
But now, on to Ryan.

Tell us what you do and how it is like or unlike a novel?

I’m a campus cop at a medical center in the ghetto. Whereas most campus police break up dorm room frat parties, we deal with gang bangers who’ve just shot one another, dudes high on PCP that we have to fight after the ambulances bring them in and psychiatric patients who’ve been off their meds for months and are neck-deep in their latest break from reality. I’ve handcuffed a 6 foot tall white girl who honestly believed she was Jesus. I’ve stopped gang cars that were trying to dump their shot-up buddy out on the Emergency Room entrance and drive off. That same car was wanted by the city cops for having just fucked up a nightclub. Those dudes were armed to the teeth. My buddy and I got an award for that. 

Like or unlike a novel? I suppose the way that last paragraph reads it sounds really cool, but in all honesty, those things just kind of happen and then it’s over. There are days when jack shit happens. But, if I got the bug to do it, I could write a 100,000 word novel based off of real things which have happened to me and then just tweaked to sound cool. Like I did in that last paragraph.

Describe a time when your job influenced a story of yours?

It does a lot, actually. I have a story in Yellow Mama called Accidental Discharge that’s about two dudes who smoke PCP, and then one guy confronts the other about porking his girl. Instead of trying to kill his friend, he just commits suicide in front of him. Then, in his death throes, he spasms and shoots his friend to death.

Now, that kind of happened. We got a report that we had two gunshot wounds coming in. That usually means they shot each other. And in this neighborhood, that usually means gangs. When an ambulance rolls up with that kind of mess inside, you give it a few minutes and family arrives. That means mom and all the gang members. And if we have both sides showing up simultaneously, now we have a real shit storm brewing. There’s always retaliation for a gang shooting and if we can avoid it, we don’t want that in the hospital.

But, what it really was turned out to be this: one dude with a history of suicide attempts decides he’s going to have his family over and blow himself away in front of them all. He does it, then drops with the gun still in hand. Spasms. Shoots his friend in the foot. And the horrible/funny thing is this: the guy shot himself in the head and lived. Just fine.

So there you go. That’s how it went from real life to a story.

Destroying Ryan's Hardboiled credibility one cute fatherhood picture at a time.

Have you ever been tempted to turn your campus cop expertise into a book or a series? I know publishers love to have an "expert" with experience behind a book. Do you see that as a possible shortcut to fame and fortune, or is it too scary to be labeled as that guy who writes the campus cop series?

Yes. I have enough war stories from the emergency room alone to build a novel. In fact, when I finish the follow-up novel to Subtle Art of Brutality, I might just ruminant over that... Shortcut to fame? I wish. No idea on that, but if my major career is launched on a campus cop book, so be it. It's actually a cool job. 

Some of the city cops walk around and regard us like we were the guys who couldn't make it on there and so we came to the "easy" job. Not so. We have a few dingbats like everywhere else, but the context in which we deal with folks in much different. We deal with more psychiatric patients than any street cop for sure. When outside agencies bring in a mental they are uncomfortable as hell. They just want to dump off the person and roll out. 

One night a family found their schizophrenic son/brother on the street after being gone for liek three months. No meds, no nothing. He was very volatile, very paranoid. He shaved all the hair on his head and face and went back through and drew it on with a Sharpie. He actually did a fantastic job. Straight lines like a drafting engineer, no criss-crossing, nothing. Arguing with people who weren't there. Try giving task direction to a man of formidable size that believes he's going to be executed by folks who don't really exist but are taking up all of his attention.

Some of those nights are long.

I wouldn't mind be labeled as the "campus cop" guy. I get it now from folks on the street. Even after they've been arrested they go on about me not being a real cop. I ask them what kind of a man they are then, letting themselves be arrested by a fake cop. My handcuffs are real. The jail is real. They have no response. Or they'll try and fight. That's my favorite. We're in the ghetto, we don't have dorms or anything like that. We don't bust a frat boy with his beer and call mommy and daddy. Some people mistake us for those kinds of cops and they find out the hard way we're not. Unless the school needs us we're in the Emergency Room or out on the street doing the usual stuff. We avoid the city's calls because those are their calls, just like they avoid ours. I've heard from gangbangers that we have a reputation of finding their guns and warrants. 

Because we do.

Also, people might doubt one of my campus cop stories until they read one. Then campuses everywhere will be flooded with applicants wanting to be half as awesome as I am. They'll fail. But they'll apply. You're welcome, campuses across the world.

What would it take for you to quit and write full time?

Same answer as everybody. Money. My wife stays at home with our kids and that’s very important to me. We live a lifestyle that can accommodate that; one car, no expensive hobbies, no extravagant purchases, etc. It’s fine, and I like it. It keeps the focus on my family and not whatever piece of crap I think I have to buy next. So money, money money. 

Do you think people respect writing as a job, or does it come off as less "work" than a labor or office job?

I think they envy it. It seems like folks hear you write, and all of a sudden they imagine what they’ve seen on TV or in the movies. Some artsy-fartsy dude agonizing over a type writer in his clean, expansive study with a bottle of Jack next to him. A shoebox full of papers printed on only one side. An impending deadline they’re racing against, and in the end they always write the Great American Novel. 

Inevitably, they imagine the cocaine, the hookers and the fast convertible. Now they hate you because while you’re cheating on your wife with some Vegas whore and snorting fat rails off her ass, they’re flipping burgers and agonizing between buying cigarettes and paying the water bill. Then they get bitter and start a fight. Then you beat them into the ground and go to jail. All because of Hollywood’s BS movies.

A lot of folks, when they find out I write, they stare at me for a second. Then they say it makes sense because I’m so full of shit anyways. Then they look for the cocaine smudges under my nostrils. Then we fight.

Be honest, if you wrote full time, do you think you'd be disciplined about it?

I do think I would be regimented as hell. If that was my income, I’d install a punch clock in my home just to make sure I was getting in the time. Not to sound all queefy, but I’m a father and husband first. That’s why I had to back out of BoucherCon 2012 the week before it went down. Had the room reserved, had the time off of work, had plans to meet face-to-face with some writers. But real life and expenses got in the way. A lot. I couldn’t ask my family to take the hit coming with BoucherCon as well. That’s not fair to them and without them, I am nothing.

What job, other than writing, would you most like to have?

Professional adventure racer. Hands down. I’d bike, trek, land navigate and kayak all over the place. Also, I like being a cop. I’d love to be a National Geographic photographer, so long as I don’t have to eaten by a lion or roasted on a spit by some hidden tribe.

What has been your best job? Your worst?

Best: police. Worst: tie between moving houses and being an E1 in the military. Being a cop, despite all the shit that comes with it, is very rewarding. Most folks deal with a cop at their car window when they get the ticket. Or they want a cop to work magic and the cop can’t. They don’t want to get involved as a complainant or as a witness but they think that shouldn’t stop the bad guy from being arrested. It don’t work that way. The Constitution says so. But, a single mom had her week’s paycheck worth of cash stolen from her purse and I got it back for her. That day. Rare, but it happened once. People have lost their kids and I’ve found them. Bad men try and hurt the nurses and I get to stand between them. That makes me feel like a knight in shining armor. 

Being an E1 in the military means you get all the shit jobs. Everything. And you can’t leave without doing it. Moving houses was just filthy, thankless, back-breaking and underpaid. 

I cooked a lot, but I like to cook so it was cool.

Has your job, or past jobs, had any influence in inspiring you to become a writer?

I like to write down the holy shit stories you hear from people, so in a way, yes. It spiraled from there.

Is your job harder than writing?

Not really. I’m not a very good writer and I’m not very good at my job so it works out. 

Imagine your job in the plot of an existing book (or movie, I'll give you that much leeway), where does it fit best? Would you be a character in a Jack Reacher novel? A Sam Spade mystery? Matt Scudder? Mike Hammer? What else?

I’d be a background character in an 80s Schwarzenegger movie. One of those faceless, nameless guys that gets shot while he strolls unstoppably through fields of enemies and kills them all. Or, I might be a quirky cop in a Joseph Wambaugh Hollywood Station novel. That’d be cool as hell, actually. Or, in a Nora Ephron book. She’s so wonderful.

How would a character with your career be a good or a bad protagonist for a novel?

My career—as a cop, not as a male stripper—is what crime novels are based on. Even if it’s not a cop book, a cop shows up somewhere, guaranteed. He might be slovenly, covered in powdered sugar, selling drugs on the side, corrupt as the devil and only interested in looking down the blouse of the lead female, but he’ll show up.

What do you think is the best work experience for a writer to have?

Real life. Stories that people care about are stories about people. Whether it’s a cashier job at a burger joint, a janitor, suicide prevention hotline call-taker or dietician, jobs where folks interact with other folks are where it’s at. All you have to do is listen to what actually happens to people and then tweak it some. Not much. Maybe none at all. But if a story is good in real life, make up something about it and then it becomes great. Or it at least helps you not get sued.    

Monday, October 29, 2012

Around the web

My press blitz for The Devil Doesn't Want Me (such as it is) has hit the web with a guest post about the history of Guilt Edged Mysteries over at Elizabeth A. White's blog. And interview with Noir aficionado and cocktail expert Vince Keenan. And a short Q&A over at writer Erik Arneson's blog.

In other news, the weekend long Q&A I did with Owen Laukkanen over the weekend he stayed at my house is on the YouTubes. My chat with Greg Bardsley is coming soon.

Friday, October 26, 2012


My new novel, The Devil Doesn't Want Me, was released this week. This ebook original is out from Dutton's Guilt Edged Mysteries and it already getting some good press. The first review is always the most nerve-wracking, but this take on it over at Criminal Element really made my day.

Some highlights (just because I like reading them again, hey I'm human) 
" I loved Lars and this book. This book is like if you took Lawrence Block’s famous hitman, Keller, and made him the lovechild of Elmore Leonard and Quentin Tarantino. But what really sold it for me was Beetner’s writing."

I also felt great when Brian from Spinetingler magazine posted this on Facebook:  "Finished The Devil Doesn't Want Me by Eric Beetner. Simply put, I think that Beetner has what it takes to be a huge crime writer. Hell of a crime novel and highly recommended."

Let's hope I can keep rolling on like this and that people continue to find the book. If you feel like dropping an Amazon review, or even just hitting that ol' LIKE button, it does help out an author. I've been excited to see the last few Amazon emails go out featuring Snubnose Press titles and that's all about what I like and what other people are liking. So if they are sending me tips on books they think I'd like and, in fact I do, then maybe my books will make it into someone else's email. You never know.

Being on Guilt Edged has awoken the collector in me, and since I owed myself a present on release day I went and bought my self a Guilt Edged original from 1955. Then, since it's my birthday soon, I took the check from Grandma and bought three more. I'll soon run out of titles I can get for a reasonable price, but someday I hope to have them all.

I'll be doing some interviews around and about, some guest blog posts and I even recorded a podcast which will be up in a couple weeks.

I need to thank everyone who helped make this happen (and happen so fast after a long time shilling the book to publishers) David Hale Smith, who never lost faith. My editor Jessica who was great to work with and then jumped in to save my ass from a rogue typo at the eleventh hour.

And all the other authors who have helped me out and become such good friends. I had the pleasure of having both Greg Bardsley and Owen Laukkanen stay at my house last weekend for their readings at Noir at the Bar and two nicer fellas you will never meet. It only reinforces that crime writers are the nicest folks. 

More on that visit soon, hopefully. But until then, I'm about 45K words into a new novel and it's getting crazier as it goes along. Could be a fun one.