Had the great pleasure of meeting
Seth Harwood, author of Jack Wakes Up and the man behind the fantastic
Crimewav.com. Seth is a tireless promotor of his work and is setting a new template for how to get a book out there DIY style. Inspired by him I am looking into maybe doing a regular podcast of my unsold novel. A good idea? Too soon to tell. Mostly it's just going to be the logistics of it. I am not a web savvy guy so it may prove harder than I know. I've been stumped by two wireless routers in a row here at home so my batting average is not good. Seth offered help and support though which is all I have gotten from so many in the crime fiction community. Tops among them is the Mystery Dawg himself
Aldo Calcagno who was also there at Seth's event at the
Mystery Bookstore. Meeting Aldo was great to put a face to the guy I've been e-mailing with for so long. If I can actually sell a few books in my life it will be thanks to guys like this.
A little blurry but you get the idea. Me with Seth and Aldo. Thanks to Linda from the Mystery Bookstore for snapping a quick shot on her iPhone.
1 comment:
Good luck to you. It's good to stay connected with other writers. It's even better when it's over a few drinks.
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