Congratulations to Robert Crisman for taking the top prize in our little contest here with his story A Prescription For Nerves. You can find the story at A Twist Of Noir. He is now the proud owner of FIVE signed books including One Too Many Blows To The Head (y'know, once we have actual books) JB Kohl's debut novel The Deputy's Widow, Norm Brown's Carpet Ride, Christine Husom's Buried in Wolf Lake and Deborah J. Ledford's Staccato.
We got so many great submissions it was hard to choose but in the end the judges chose three very different stories that, taken together, I think make a nice little trio of the different interpretations of the 'Fist' theme.
Check this spot tomorrow for Winner of 2ND place - J.F. Juzwik's Dim Tim & Jukebox Johnny. J.F. is the winner of signed copies of One Too Many Blows To The Head and The Deputy's Widow.
Then come back for Jimmy Callaway's Uncle Sal. Jimmy wins his very own signed copy of One Too Many Blows To The Head.
Congratulations to the two of them for rounding out our top three.
And since this is a promotion after all, the latest update is that the book is at the printer! We are expecting our print proof Monday and then it is off to the races.
My first signing/launch party is November 14th at 5:30 pm at the Mystery Bookstore in Los Angeles. Come on down and say hi, get a book signed, punch me in the mouth. Y'know, whatever.
Congrats to the winners. And thanks Eric for running the contest, good luck with your book!
Congrats to all. I look forward to reading them.
Man, I go to all this trouble to place, and now I have to wait for the book? What a gyp.
Setlle down there Callaway! You think I'm not chomping at the bit to have a book in hand?
Way to go Joyce and Callaway! And congrats to Robert for taking first!
Congratulations winners. I'm heading over there to read. And great news that the book's at the printers. Congratulations Eric too.
Congratulations to Robert and Jimmy. Can't wait to see how you used your 'fists'! And thanks to Eric for a super fun contest.
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