
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book #2 - moving along

If it's March then Book #2 of The Year I Died Seven Times must be out. And looky there, it is! People seem to be getting hooked on Ridley and his desperate search for the girl of his dreams. Crimespree Magazine sure did love it, and for a crime writer that's kinda like the New York Times giving you a rave.

And now each installment is only .99, for you who thought the extra fifty cents was just too much. Get on board now, the next installment is coming next month. It will all wrap up by November so you have all summer to look forward to more action, more intrigue, more deaths. After that the whole book will be available in one volume, but the print version of each step of the way is still there for the collectors among you.

As long as I'm here talking about good things, another review came across my desk for the little book that lives on – Dig Two Graves. I share it because it feels good for my ego and I've been informed I need to get over the inclination to shy away from praise. This would be a good time to do that, however, since the reviewer makes the absurd assertion that my little book is in the same league as Chandler, Hammett, Cain, Thompson and Hinkson. That hyperbole aside, I love reading when someone really enjoys a book. So, y'know, if you were thinking of doing it and wondering, do authors like that? Yes. Yes, we do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I got the first two installments, and hoping to get through them before the third hits Kindle. Looking forward to it.